Brain4MEP: 4 channel EMG and EP system
Each Brain4MEP amplifier demonstrates very low noise, quick artifact rejection and perfect interference immunity. The electrical stimulator allows generating different waveforms: rectangle, meander, trapezium and sinusoid.The sampling frequency is up to 160kHz,. Such specifications allow to record the high-quality traces even when other devices can not obtain the responses. We aim to provide neurologists, neurophysiologists and other specialists in EMG diagnostics with a complete set of reliable and innovative EMG techniques. The list of provided techniques is huge and is constantly expanded: 37 tests starting from motor conduction study and F-wave to macro-EMG and jitter. Brain4MEP is equipped with the built-in stimulators to record EP of all modalities: AEP, SSEP, VEP, P300 etc. Besides, the unique software makes this process quick and easy. Using Brain4MEP you can perform almost all known EMG, NCS and EP techniques. In recent decades the technique standards are accepted and established. These are special algorithms to study different pathologies, calculations intended for each test, reference values, etc. The list of tests made with Brain4MEP meets the international standards of EMG and EP study. It is possible to connect up to 10 different USB units in different configurations, extending this modular system to 40 channel EMG.

- 4 channels are optimized to perform quickly motor and sensory conduction tests, needle EMG portable, can operate with notebook
- All-in-one: stimulators, acquisition channels, controls, display
- High acquisition quality: sampling rate – up to 100 kH electrical stimulator with ultra-fast switching between two outputs
- Brain4MEP is equipped with the built-in stimulators to record EP of all modalities: AEP, SSEP, VEP, P300 etc. Besides, the unique software makes this process quick and easy.
- Low noise, quick artifact rejection and perfect interference immunity.