Comfortable rTMS treatment chair
This reclining rTMS treatment chair is a perfect addition to your neuronavigated rTMS setup. The chair is made of carefully selected materials that prevent disturbance of the magnetic field used for coil and head tracking during Neuronavigation with The Neural Navigator. The magnetic field transmitter is located at the back of the chair on a special pad, and ideally positioned for high accuracy tracking near the head. The reclining position and meticulous design of the chair ensure comfort and stability so that you perform treatment to your patients in the most efficient manner. It allows for an upright position as well. Such flexibility makes targeting the DLPFC or another part of the brain using MRI guided TMS easier and more suited to your needs. A special head support that can be mounted on the top surface of the chair lifts the head up which both facilitates navigation and immobilizes the head. The chair is ideal to use in combination with head-movement compensation, a feature of the Neural Navigator. Patients can then freely move their heads while wearing a headband equipped with position sensors, and navigation is fully compensated for head movements. Quality and safety of use are guaranteed: for the design and production of this product we have partnered with Greiner GmbH, an experienced medical furniture manufacturer in Germany. The chair is CE certified (class I) for clinical use.