Advanced therapeutic rTMS
This reliable and powerful Neurosoft Neuro-MS/X magnetic stimulator covers the needs of all rTMS practitioners. The unit allows for high-frequency and high intensity stimulation for long periods of time without overheating due to the effective cooling system using active mineral oil cooling. Because of the extra power supply unit, this rTMS device allows long rTMS sessions on high stimulation intensities as well as the new theta-burst stimulation (TBS) protocols that reduce session duration substantially. The system is easily placed on the included trolley which also contains a convenient flexible arm for coil positioning. Various types of TMS coils are available such as a ring coil, a figure-of-eight coil, and a double cone coil. The advanced therapeutic rTMS device is CE certified for clinical use in the EU and FDA cleared for clinical use in the USA

Neurosoft advanced therapeutic rTMS
20 Hz stimulation with 100% intensity
Due to the additional power supply unit, the advanced therapeutic system provides the possibility to increase four times (up to 20 Hz) the maximal effective stimulation frequency (the frequency when each stimulus in series has 100% intensity of motor threshold).
Theta burst stimulation and the 3-minute depression treatment protocol
This powerful machine allows new patterned rTMS protocols such as Theta Burst Stimulation (TBS), intermittent TBS (iTBS) and continues TBS (cTBS) with frequencies up to 100Hz, without overheating due to superior cooling technology. In accordance with the clinical tests performed by leading research hospitals in Canada, in patients with treatment-resistant depression, iTBS was non-inferior to 10 Hz rTMS for the treatment of depression (Blumberger et al 2018). Both treatments had low numbers of dropouts and similar side-effects, safety, and tolerability profiles. With iTBS, the number of patients treated per day with current rTMS devices can be increased several times without compromising clinical effectiveness.
In summary, the 3-minute treatment is as safe and effective for the depression treatment as the conventional rTMS sessions that take more than 20 minutes.
Number of pulses & peak magnetic field
The unit allows continuous operation up to 10.000 pulses without overheating due to the superior active mineral oil cooling unit and the cooled coils. The peak magnetic field is 4 T, one of the highest values in the industry which supports the therapeutic transcranial magnetic stimulation in most complicated treatments of patients with a very low levels of cortex excitability.
Neuro-MS.NET software
This set includes the special Neuro-MS.NET software that allows to customize or to create any stimulation template. This software keeps track of patient databases, detects motor response threshold and controls the stimulation sessions.
Delivery set
Neuro-MS/X main stimulation unit
Neuro-MS/X cooling unit
Neuro-MS/X extra power supply unit
Angulated figure-of-eight cooled coil 100 mm AFEC-02-100-C
flexible arm for coil positioning
trolley with 3 shelves
Coil holder , trolley or wall mounted
Technical and user manuals
NeuroMS software to control TMS equipment from PC
All required cabling
Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder
MDD, also referred to as clinical depression, is a significant medical condition that can affect many areas of life. MDD is one of the most common mental disorders, 1 out of 6 adults experiences depression. Standard treatment of MDD is medication and psychotherapy. However, about a third of patients with …

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in OCD
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a disorder characterized by uncontrollable, recurring thoughts and behaviors. About 2% to 3% of people experience OCD, yet standard treatment such as medicine or exposure therapy achieves (partial) response in only 40% - 60% of the patients. In May 2019 a new treatment was approved by …

Theta burst stimulation (TBS)
rTMS treatment protocols continue to be investigated and improved. New patterned rTMS protocols, where short high frequency trains of TMS pulses are are interleaved with really short breaks, are referred to as Theta Burst Stimulation (TBS), intermittent TBS (iTBS) and continues TBS (cTBS) with frequencies up to 100Hz for the …