Neuron-Spectrum-61: 11-channel EEG
The Neuron-Spectrum-61 features 11 EEG channels and 4 polygraphic channels for ECG, EOG, EMG acquisition. The Neuron-Spectrum-61 is especially suitable for cerebral function monitoring in the neonatal intensive care units (ICU) and allows BFB training and cerebral function monitoring (aEEG).

EEG channels + differential channels for any physiological signal acquisition
Neuron-Spectrum-61 electronic unit features 11 EEG channels and 4 polygraphic channels for ECG, EOG, EMG and other signal type acquisition. The system also allows respiratory and SpO2 data recording. The channels can work both in AC and DC modes.
Perfect for cerebral function monitoring of neonates
Neuromonitor configuration of Neuron-Spectrum-61 is successfully used for cerebral function monitoring in the neonatal intensive care units (ICU). Simultaneous aEEG and native EEG recording allows for quick assessment of patient state which is crucial in ICU conditions and is indispensable when comprehensive EEG analysis is required.
Continuous impedance monitoring during acquisition
The color-coded impedance indication at the lead inputs and continuous impedance measurement during acquisition assist the specialist in signal quality monitoring and, if necessary, with timely adjustment of the electrode position, thus, ensuring superb recording quality. The operating mode can be switched at a push of a button on the front panel of the device whereas the LED indicator next to button will always show the current operating mode.
Biofeedback training with an optional software module
Biofeedback training is a non-pharmacological technique that helps patients learn to control physiological functions through neurofeedback to improve physical and mental health. This mind-body approach is used in patients with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), headache, addiction, anxiety, etc., as well as for muscle relaxation and developing of creative skills.
Neuron-Spectrum-61 with a special software module ensures various possibilities within BFB training:
- multi-channel data recording (EEG, ECG, EMG, respiration, SpO2, photoplethysmograms, etc.);
- creation of user-defined BFB protocols;
- wide choice of feedback options (animation, music, games ,photo and video);
- continuous training progress tracking.
Advanced tools for mathematical analysis of EEG
During EEG analysis the software automatically detects spikes and sharp waves indicative of abnormal EEG pattern. The excellent trace display quality is achieved by applying the cutting-edge smoothing technologies. The user-friendly solution for quick navigation throughout the entire EEG record streamlines the visual analysis.
The advanced tools for mathematical analysis of EEG are provided as well: amplitude, spectral and bispectral analysis, correlation and coherent analysis, wavelet-analysis, periodometric analysis, independent component analysis (ICA) are always available in all software configurations.
Standard electrode cap connector
Even if you use the electrode cap of various manufactures, it can be easily connected via the standard socket of an EEG amplifier. You no longer need any adapters or other accessories, which is time- and cost-effective.