Neuron-Spectrum-63: 21-channel EEG
The Neuron-Spectrum-63 features 21 referential EEG channels, 1 ECG channel and 6 differential channels for EOG, ECG and EMG. The Neuron-Spectrum-63 is recommended for routine EEG (in compliance with International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology and American Clinical Neurophysiology Society).

21 referential EEG channels, 1 ECG channel, 6 differential channels for EOG, ECG, EMG
Neuron-Spectrum-63 electronic unit features 21 EEG channels, 1 ECG channel and 6 differential channels for ECG, EOG, EMG acquisition. The channels can work both in AC and DC modes.
Long-latency EP acquisition: visual, auditory and cognitive
The system functionality can be expanded to allow performing CFM, BFB training, video EEG monitoring and also long-latency EP acquisition, particularly visual, auditory, and cognitive.
Dedicated Ref electrode (21 EEG channels), A1, A2 ear electrodes (19 EEG channels), or Cz central electrode (20 EEG channels) can be used as a reference electrode.
Disk, cup and bridge electrodes or electrode caps can be applied
Depending on your specific needs, you can use disk, bridge or cup EEG electrodes. Using the electrode cap was never that simple – no more adapters or other accessories are needed to connect it. The EEG amplifier features standard socket compatible with connectors of electrode caps of different manufactures.
Ease of use and comprehensive software
The intuitive interface and flexibility of Neuron-Spectrum.NET software assure effective and flawless work as it can be adjusted according to the user specific needs.
During EEG analysis the spikes, sharp waves, epileptiform discharges are detected and marked automatically in Neuron-Spectrum.NET software. The excellent trace display quality is achieved by applying the cutting-edge smoothing technologies. The user-friendly solution for quick navigation throughout the entire EEG record streamlines the visual analysis.
The advanced tools for mathematical analysis of EEG are provided as well: amplitude, spectral and bispectral analysis, correlation and coherent analysis, wavelet-analysis, periodometric analysis, independent component analysis (ICA) are always available in all software configurations.
Continuous impedance monitoring during acquisition
The color-coded impedance indication on the lead inputs and continuous impedance measurement during acquisition assist the specialist in signal quality monitoring and, if necessary, with timely adjustment of the electrode position, thus, ensuring superb recording quality. The operating mode can be switched at a push of a button on the front panel of the device whereas the LED indicator next to button will always show the current operating mode.
Advanced tools for mathematical analysis of EEG
During EEG analysis the software automatically detects spikes and sharp waves indicative of abnormal EEG pattern. The excellent trace display quality is achieved by applying the cutting-edge smoothing technologies. The user-friendly solution for quick navigation throughout the entire EEG record streamlines the visual analysis.
The advanced tools for mathematical analysis of EEG are provided as well: amplitude, spectral and bispectral analysis, correlation and coherent analysis, wavelet-analysis, periodometric analysis, independent component analysis (ICA) are always available in all software configurations.