Neuron-Spectrum-65: 39-channel EEG
The Neuron-Spectrum-65 EEG device features 39 EEG channels, dedicated ECG, EMG and OEG channels, 8 additional differential channels and dedicated DC channels. The Neuron-Spectrum-65 system is especially suitable for in-lab PSG (and can be used as Type I monitor according to AASM classification).

The Neuron-Spectrum-65 allows routine EEG, long-term video EEG monitoring, long-latency and cognitive EP acquisition, cerebral function monitoring, BFB training and invasive EEG.
The Neuron-Spectrum-65 system is especially suitable for in-lab PSG (and can be used as Type I monitor according to AASM classification).
EEG channels + differential channels to record any physiological signals
The device features 39 EEG channels, dedicated ECG, EMG and OEG channels, 8 additional differential channels and dedicated DC channels. The DC channels allow connecting any PSG sensors of third-party manufacturers as well as obtain data from PAP devices to determine therapeutic pressure in patients with OSA (obstructive sleep apnea).
Long-term video EEG monitoring
Thanks to the wide range of acquisition channels, Neuron-Spectrum-65 can be effectively used for long-term video EEG monitoring together with 32-channel electrode cap and for pre-operative monitoring together with other types of electrodes including invasive.
The monitoring may continue for up to several days or even weeks. The video can be recorded from 1, 2 or 3 cameras simultaneously and can be motion trigged. Mobile trolley-based configuration allows using it in ICU.
Neuron-Spectrum-65/PSG configuration is a perfect solution for the most complex in-lab sleep studies performed in sleep centers: routine video PSG testing, MSLT (multiple sleep latency test), MWT (maintenance of wakefulness test), PSG with manual/automatic PAP titration, split-night PSG and others.
According to AASM, video monitoring synchronized with PSG data is recommended. HD cameras with IR illumination and remote control option ensure maximum convenience for the medical personnel when using the system. The video image helps accurately determine sleep and wake stages, and obtain a more complete clinical picture of patients with OSA, restless leg syndrome, parasomnia and other sleep-related disorders. Neuron-Spectrum.NET/PSG software module ensures manual, semi-automatic and automatic sleep staging and PSG event detection (apnea/hypopnea, snoring, desaturation, arrhythmia, limb movement, arousal, etc.). Automatic algorithms implemented in the software speed up PSG data processing saving precious time.
Portable patient unit for quick connection/disconnection
During in-lab PSG the sensors can be connected to the recorder through the portable patient unit. This allows a patient to disconnect quickly from the recorder (for example in case of bathroom needs) and then connect the sensors back to resume the recording.
Continuous impedance monitoring during acquisition
The color-coded impedance indication on the amplifier inputs and continuous impedance measurement during acquisition assist the specialist in signal quality monitoring and, if necessary, with timely correction of the electrode position thus ensuring superb recording quality. The operating mode can be switched at a push of a button on the front panel of the device whereas the LED indicator next to button will always show the current operating mode.